February 16, 2022
Landscape of Grand Pré World Heritage Site in spring.

2022 Honouree: The Landscape of Grand Pré World Heritage Site

To mark the 10th anniversary of the Landscape of Grand-Pré becoming a UNESCO World Heritage site, we will celebrate the rich heritage of this landscape which features an exceptional traditional agricultural settlement still in use today and an iconic place of memory for the Acadian diaspora.

December 23, 2021

Check Museum websites for their “Know before you go” guide to help prepare you for your visit.

Museum of Natural History

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Christmas Eve


Christmas Day

December 15, 2021


  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 cup salt
  • 1 cup (approximately) cold water


September 24, 2021

Updates from the field

Our team is still on site at archaeology dig at Fort Saint Louis National Historic Site, a seventeenth-century fur trade post situated in an Mi'kmaq coastal landscape.

Archaeology action shot! Wesley lifts our most complete clay tile this year and stows it safely in its own container. Next it will head to the lab to be cleaned and repacked. We re-use pill bottles for smaller, delicate finds too.

September 21, 2021


September 16, 2021

Photo 1: Katie Cottreau-Robins extracting a sample of charcoal from a deep corner of the unit. Charcoal can be sent for carbon-14 dating and give additional insight into the occupation period.

Photo 2: Volunteers Chris and Marian working away on two areas of Operation J. 

September 13, 2021

A quick update, the team was rained out today. They hope to start finding artifacts this week. 

Photo 1: SMU grad student Wesley flying his drone for some overhead images of our various excavation units


August 12, 2021


Items from the Nova Scotia Museum Collection

2021 marks the first year the Province of Nova Scotia officially recognizes Emancipation Day. Emancipation Day is marked throughout the Commonwealth as the anniversary of the abolition of slavery in the British Empire in 1834.

July 26, 2021

As most of us already know, the Bay of Fundy is home to the highest tides in the world, bringing in approximately 160 billion tons of water twice a day and exposing kilometers of muddy tidal flats. But have you ever wondered what could be living in these tidal flats?

June 16, 2021

The Nova Scotia Museum is pleased to welcome you back to our sites!

  • On June 15, 2021, Government announced that admission fees to all Nova Scotia Museum sites would be waived for the months of July and August, 2021.
  • Free admission in July and August does not extend to enhanced visitor experiences, such as special tours or programming.
February 22, 2021
March Break 2021 at the Nova Scotia Museum

March 15 to 19, 2021

We are happy to welcome you back to the Nova Scotia Museum.  We continue working to create a safe experience for you and our staff.  Please note that public health guidelines will continue to be followed at our sites, wearing a non-medical mask is mandatory in our indoor spaces. Check out our “Know before you go” guides on each museum website to help prepare you for your visit.

February 10, 2021


Celebrated the third Monday in February, Nova Scotia Heritage Day is an annual reminder of our storied past and an opportunity to honour the remarkable people, places and events that have contributed to this province’s unique heritage.

Nova Scotia Heritage Day Honouree 2021 is Edward Francis Arab (1915-1944)

December 30, 2020
Yarmouth County Museum and Archives — no. 1993:67/4.235

Yarmouth County Museum and Archives — no. 1993:67/4.235


November 26, 2020
Sheep in a field at Ross Farm Museum.

Museum Closures

Given the continued spread of COVID-19 and based on public health officials’ guidance some sites have temporarily closed:

November 24, 2020

Nov. 20, 2020

We asked the Curator of Palaeontology at the Joggins Fossil Institute, Melissa Grey, Ph.D., and the Director/Curator of the Fundy Geological Museum, Danielle Serratos, M.S. to answer a few questions about the museums they work in and why those institutions are so important to Nova Scotia and the world.


November 6, 2020

Maritime Museum of the Atlantic

I’ve always regarded RMS Aquitania as the greatest ocean liner ever built for the North Atlantic Ocean. There are a number of reasons for this and I hope that this brief history of this remarkable ship will give you an appreciation of what made her so special.

November 6, 2020
Guano Bottle

Maritime Museum of the Atlantic

Guano was essentially seabird or bat excrement that was gathered for use as fertilizer. The word comes from the Andean indigenous language Quechua, and refers to any form of dung used as agricultural fertilizer. There's evidence that the Andes people had gathered guano for centuries.


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