
We had many visitors to the site today. It was great to share our discoveries.
Two local public archaeology dig participants returned to the site to see how excavation has progressed in recent weeks

We had some bailing to do in the units this morning. A lot of rain the day before.
David Jones joined us today and worked in a unit with an unusual charcoal stain.

It's rainy here today so its a great opportunity to begin cleaning artifacts. The bags are stacking up!
We cleared the kitchen table at the crew house and set up wash basins and toothbrushes.

A very foggy day on site today.
Thomasina uncovered a wonderful artifact today - a fragment of rolled trade copper.

We had a steady stream of visitors yesterday. The Acadian community is particularly interested in this early French archaeology site.
We had all the canopies up. It was a warm digging day.

We had help this weekend from Curator Adrian Morrison of the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic in Lunenburg. Thanks for your hard work Adrian!

We are in a bit of a tropical paradise here in Port La Tour. Often the fog sits far off the site as you can see in this picture.
Visitors are regular. This morning folks from Liverpool came by to see an archaeological excavation and learn of our findings so far.

Another beautiful day at the archaeology site. We often see local fisherman at work in Port La Tour Harbour.
We began opeing up new units this week in areas where we found evidence of daily life at the fort in 2017.

A view of the archaeology project from the beach. The warm weather continued but a nice ocean breeze picked up today. Lovely!
Field technician Wesley Weatherbee joins colleagues from Saint Mary's University for an afternoon of digging.

Similar to the rest of the province, it was hot and humid at the Fort Saint Louis dig site. We set up canopies and umbrellas for the excavators. Shade and water were a must!

This summer an archaeological excavation is taking place at the trading post of Charles de la Tour in Port La Tour, Shelburne County. Follow along as Dr. Katie Cottreau-Robins (Curator of Archaeology) and her team explore the site.

This summer an archaeological excavation is taking place at the trading post of Charles de la Tour in Port La Tour, Shelburne County. Follow along as Dr. Katie Cottreau-Robins (Curator of Archaeology) and her team explore the site.

This summer an archaeological excavation is taking place at the trading post of Charles de la Tour in Port La Tour, Shelburne County. Follow along as Dr. Katie Cottreau-Robins (Curator of Archaeology) and her team explore the site.

This summer an archaeological excavation is taking place at the trading post of Charles de la Tour in Port La Tour, Shelburne County. Follow along as Dr. Katie Cottreau-Robins (Curator of Archaeology) and her team explore the site.

This summer an archaeological excavation is taking place at the trading post of Charles de la Tour in Port La Tour, Shelburne County. Follow along as Dr. Katie Cottreau-Robins (Curator of Archaeology) and her team explore the site.

This summer an archaeological excavation is taking place at the trading post of Charles de la Tour in Port La Tour, Shelburne County. Follow along as Dr. Katie Cottreau-Robins (Curator of Archaeology) and her team explore the site.