The War of 1812 in Atlantic Canada
21-24 Aug 2014 • Saint Mary’s University • Halifax, Nova Scotia
Guided Tours:
- “The War of 1812-1814: Then and After” exhibit at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
- “Prize and Prejudice: Nova Scotia’s War of 1812” and the travelling exhibit from the Canadian War Museum “1812” at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic
- Admiralty House and the historic naval burying ground, Naval Museum of Halifax, CFB Stadacona
Keynote Speakers:
- Andrew Lambert, King’s College London
- Peter MacLeod, Canadian War Museum
- Phillip Buckner, UNB & University of London
The War of 1812 in Atlantic Canada: Conference Programme [PDF 218KB]
The War of 1812 in Atlantic Canada: Conference Registration [PDF 107KB]
The War of 1812 in Atlantic Canada: Conference Poster [PDF 295KB]