Archaeology at Fort Saint-Louis - Part 6

We had help this weekend from Curator Adrian Morrison of the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic in Lunenburg. Thanks for your hard work Adrian!
Dr. Neale Ridgway and PhD student John Campbell worked hard today to uncover an extention of some units where we found an original wall. Many artifacts particular to the early 17th century were discovered.
We are half way through ourt field project and nearing completion of some of our first units. You can see different colors in the soils here.
Saturday was very cold on site with a high wind coming ashore. A somewhat welcome change from the usual warm summer weather.
A visitor brought by a huge lump of ballast from a local shoreline ballast dump. We wondered, when this was dropped off, what was picked up by the ship to replace it?
Dalhousie PhD Candidate Hilary Doda joined the crew today. This is Hilary's first digging experience. What fun!