Archaeology - final post from the dig site

This summer an archaeological excavation is taking place at the trading post of Charles de la Tour in Port La Tour, Shelburne County. Follow along as Dr. Katie Cottreau-Robins (Curator of Archaeology) and her team explore the site. Also check out the companion exhibit First Peoples, First Meetings: The French in Seventeenth Century Mi’kma’ki on view at the Museum of Natural History. This new exhibit explores a period almost 250 years prior to Confederation shedding new light on early encounters and early relationships between the Mi’kmaq and French traders in seventeenth-century Mi’kma’ki, discover story of kinship and alliance in a time of uncertain change.
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It is time to put the archaeology site to bed. That means filling in all the pits with the dirt we excavated and screened. With all the shoveling to do, we are glad for cloudy skies and a cool breeze at the site.
Sean arrived today to help. He filled in two deep pits for us and helped with some final mapping with the total station. Thanks Sean!!
We discovered in the last few hours of digging two substantial stone walls. Each wall gets a Feature number and special mapping. This is Feature 5.
This wall is Feature 3. We will work this winter to interpret all the Features uncovered during the dig at Fort St. Louis.
One more soil profile to draw before we are ready to shovel in the back dirt. This is a long one but it captures all the soil events from the past 400 years. Thanks for following us on the dig!