Archaeology at the trading post of Charles de la Tour - Part 4

This summer an archaeological excavation is taking place at the trading post of Charles de la Tour in Port La Tour, Shelburne County. Follow along as Dr. Katie Cottreau-Robins (Curator of Archaeology) and her team explore the site. Also check out the companion exhibit First Peoples, First Meetings: The French in Seventeenth Century Mi’kma’ki on view at the Museum of Natural History. This new exhibit explores a period almost 250 years prior to Confederation shedding new light on early encounters and early relationships between the Mi’kmaq and French traders in seventeenth-century Mi’kma’ki, discover story of kinship and alliance in a time of uncertain change.
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A foggy morning on site today. A bit of a reprieve from the steady sun as we move excavation a head.
We have been uncovering a construction trench in an area we suspect a main building stood.
We expanded the main trench westward today.
A close up of the new section. We hope to uncover another part of this fort feature.