We are all collectors.......Let's be Museum Makers!

Museums collect specimens and objects that capture a moment in time. They are preserved and kept safe for study now and into the future. Something collected today may be the key to an important discovery tomorrow or many years from now.
But many of us have collections of our own at home. Maybe you are a sports fan and have a closet full of team jerseys. Or perhaps you love unicorns and have unicorn stuffies, a unicorn onesie and a unicorn themed bedroom. Have you have lost count of the number of Lego sets you have gotten over the years? Whether you collect stuffed animals, rocks, Lego or shells, we like to surround ourselves with things that bring us joy and hold a special meaning or importance. While we are all spending more time at home these days, why not create your own exhibit to show off your collection - just like a museum!
Create your exhibit
Gather your collection in one space. Display it so you can give a guided tour to family member or friend. This can be done in person or virtually to practice safe distancing. Here are some things to keep in mind when setting up your museum exhibit:
- Make sure each piece can be easily seen by your visitor. Leave space between each object. You might want to put larger objects behind smaller ones.
- When museums add a new object to their collection, it is accessioned. This means the object is given a special number so that it can be tracked and kept organized. This number can include the date it was collected and perhaps another number. Accession numbers are put on small labels with each object that also says what the object is and where it came from. Using a little piece of paper, write a label for each object in your collection. Here's an example of what an accession label looks like (or it can be printed by hand):

Give a tour
Once you have your collection displayed, you are ready to give a tour! What do you want people to know about your collection? To help get you started, try answering the following questions:
- Why did you start collecting ___________?
- What do you like about your collection?
- Do you have a favorite object? Why is it your favorite?
- What do you look for when choosing a new piece to add to your collection?
- Is there an object that has special meaning to you? Why?
- Where do you keep your collection?
Show us your work
Share on social by tagging us (Twitter @ns_museum or Instagram @novascotiamuseum) or use the hashtag #MuseumMaker
Have fun “museuming” from home and happy collecting!