Temporary Closure of Lawrence House Museum

Lawrence House Museum in Maitland, Hants County, will be closed for the 2024 season to explore options for operating the site in the future.
During the closure, announced today, June 11, Department staff will engage the community and develop future operational plans.
The museum, which is the former home of 19th-century shipbuilder William D. Lawrence and part of the Nova Scotia Museum system, has been dealing with staff shortages over the past seven years. This has led to frequent closures and limited public programming.
The community is planning celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the launch of the WD Lawrence, the largest wooden-hulled, fully rigged ship ever built in Canada. Department staff will work with community partners who are interested in including the museum site in the celebration events.
Quick Facts:
- staff affected by the museum closure have been offered positions at other Nova Scotia Museum sites
Additional Resources:
Lawrence House Museum: https://lawrencehouse.novascotia.ca/