Archaeology at Fort Saint-Louis 2019 - Part 8

Excavation continues in an area of the site noted for its evidence of the 1641 fire. See the burn layer coming through the soil?
Margaret joined us again this year. Today she traces the burn layer across the pit. We gathered two charcoal samples for analysis.
Another stone wall made of local basalt boulders may be emerging from Operation H. More digging will tell.
Roger and Margo work through the heavy rock layer in Operation H. It was very hot today and they made great progress under the canopy.
A beautiful blue and white tin-glazed earthenware bowl sherd came up today in Operation J. This decoration is a first for the site!
Katherine and Liz work through the final patches of Lot 3 in Operations J-9 and J-11. Artifact densities are decreasing across the operation as the builders trench expands.
We are visited everyday by folks interested in the excavations unfolding at Fort St. Louis. This is a dynamic landscape that holds the stories of many - the French, the Mi'kmaq, the Basque, the Acadians, and today's community and landowners.