Archaeology at Fort Saint-Louis 2019 - Part 5

Our community partner on the Fort St. Louis project , the Cape Sable Historical Society, came by today to check in on progress at the site. Members will participate in the public dig this week.
Participants in the public dig program this week will learn how to use the individual sifter as they fill buckets of dirt. The sifter helps us catch any possible small artifact we missed while troweling in the pit.
John worked today to help define a new possible structural feature at the site.
This area is one of the locations where the public will dig at the site over the next 3 days. What will they find?
We were visited by 6th and 7th generation LaTour's today!
Vanessa and Liz work to define a builder's trench in Operation J.
The ubiquitous brick and roofing tile remains in the units across the site.
Great job Vanessa and Liz! Lots of progress today on this architectural feature.