Archaeology at Fort Saint-Louis 2019 - Part 13

Courtney returned this year to work once more in the midden feature. What awaits??
We are near the end of our field project. A time for final thoughts and notes for Liz.
Our GIS/Mapping team is on site and preparing to deploy the RTK and Geode.
Profile and planview drawings at Operation J.
Excavation is complete here at Operation K. Great stratigraphy and a nice stone architectural feature.
Wesley works with the RTK GNSS to map the site.
Local residents Gerald and Chris excavate together to reach the natural beach sand level of soil. Almost there!
On their excavation journey, Gerald and Chris retrieved from their unit a range of early 17th century artifacts - a buff-colored brick, European roofing tile fragments, a blue trade bead (in the container), a ball of lead shot, an iron nail and a tiny fragment of green-glazed coarse earthenware. What a day!