Archaeology at Fort Saint-Louis 2019 - Part 2

Another beautiful day on the coast of Nova Scotia discovering history
A beautiful and warm day at the Fort St. Louis dig project so, as sod is being removed from new excavation units, the canopy is up. Shade please!
Even as we just begin to pull up the sod artifacts appear. The crew take a moment to identify some early French glass.
Moments after the glass find, Liz uncovers a partial red clay smoking pipe bowl, a fragment of green-glazed coarse earthenware, and fragments of earthenware roofing tile. Amazing!!
All the soils must be screened for artifacts, even the soil shaken loose from the sod layer.
With the sod removed, a new section of Operation J is now ready for excavation. We can already see evidence of structural or foundational stone that we recorded in this Operation last year. The stone wall continues in the same line as 2018.