Life Without Plastic - Fantastic!

May 21, 2024
Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, Halifax

 Learn about plastic pollution reduction and how to create change with Mind Your Plastic.

May 21, 6:30 pm

Tuesday Night Talk, free

Presenter: Natasha Tucker, ED, Mind Your Plastic

Plastic is one of the most controversial materials of our time. Because of how cheap, lightweight and durable it is, it’s become ingrained in our everyday life. As a result, it is often discarded and wreaks havoc on the environment, wildlife and human health. Join us for an evening with Natasha Tucker, Executive Director of Mind Your Plastic to debunk plastic related myths, learn more about true alternatives and what you can do to create positive change. Mind Your Plastic is a registered Canadian charity dedicated to eliminating plastic pollution in Canada and envisions plastic-free land and seas.

Natasha Tucker.

Natasha is a passionate advocate for a plastic pollution-free ocean and a dynamic leader in the environmental NGO space. As the Executive Director of Mind Your Plastic, Natasha is dedicated to creating lasting change by fostering impactful relationships and collaborative partnerships. She is a captivating public speaker, known for a focus on real, collaborative solutions to the plastic pollution crisis at conferences and events. PADI Advanced Scuba Diver, the President of The Back to the Sea Society as well as volunteering with the Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada.

Mind  Your Plastic logo.