Breaking Boundaries: Techniques and Trends in Modern Quilting with Virginia Caul-Gallant

July 25, 2024
Museum of Industry, Stellarton

July 25, 2024, from 2 pm to 3 pm, Museum Auditorium

During the lecture, Virginia will delve into the realm of modern quilting, examining its place within the broader quilting traditions. She will discuss the parallels and distinctions between modern and traditional quilting methods, focusing on the unique construction techniques and machine quilting patterns that set in modern quilts apart. To illustrate these contrasts, a variety of quilt examples will be showcased. 

Virginia an experienced quilter with 32 years of practice, transitioned from traditional quilting to a modern style. Her work now features negative space, free-motion machine quilting, and ruler-work techniques. While embracing modern aesthetics, she maintains a contemporary twist on traditional piecing. 

Lecture is included with the museum admission fee.