Archaeology at Fort Saint-Louis 2021

The Nova Scotia Museum Archaeology Office is excited to share that we have returned to the Fort Saint Louis Archaeology Site (AiDi-1) for a fourth season of field work. This season follows 2017, 2018 and 2019 projects that focused on exploring the story of an early fortified French fur trade post within a Mi’kmaq coastal landscape. Our focus this year is recording information linked to the severe climate change impacts affecting the site. With the support of the Canadian Museum of History, the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage, Support 4 Culture Fund, and the Nova Scotia Museum Board of Governors, we will be on site for a month excavating close to a migrating berm that rest at the top of the beach. Also planned, is a marine archaeology investigation and a ground penetrating radar survey. What an exciting month we have ahead with our longstanding community partner, the Cape Sable Historical Society in Barrington and the continued guidance from members of the Mainland Mi’kmaq District Grand Council.