Archaeology at Fort Saint-Louis 2019 - Part 11

Heather of AFN joined us again this year. Today she is working in an area where we uncovered a new stone wall.
The excavation Operation J 9, 10 and 11 is nearly complete. We have a defined stone wall with a builders trench.
We are over a meter deep in the midden feature and hitting a distinct early lens. Our first ever bottle finish and some stoneware from a storage jar have emerged. Very exciting!
More ceramics from deep in the midden. We have about 12 fragments from this one vessel. Reconstruction is planned.
Todd worked today to relocate some excavation pits done in the 1990s. He has picked up a corner of plastic pit lining from that project.
Katherine and Liz began new units today. We are expanding the original Operation K given we found a line of charcoal, nails and post holes.
A fragment of hand-painted tin-glazed earthenware appeared just when we thought we were finishing up in Operation G. What a beautiful surprise for excavator Jeff!