Tick Enquiries

July 30, 2019

Tick Enquiries

females – Black Legged Tick, Groundhog tick and Dog tick.

As of July 31st, 2019, the Nova Scotia Museum will no longer be accepting Tick Enquiries. To address concerns about ticks, we have assembled a few resources:






nshealth.ca/sites/nshealth.ca/files/patientinformation/06037.pdf (PDF English Brochure)

nshealth.ca/sites/nshealth.ca/files/patientinformation/06048.pdf  (PDF French brochure)


Additionally, we have a self-serve information kiosk located at the Museum of Natural History, which provides information about identifying ticks, performing tick checks and general tick information.

If you have any specific concerns about Lyme disease, please contact your doctor.


Common Questions About Ticks

Is there anywhere in Nova Scotia I can take a tick for identification?

At present, there is no province-wide service for tick identification. eTick, an online service is not currently available for Nova Scotia, but we hope this service will be offered in this province in the future.


I found a tick on me, will I get Lyme disease?

Not all ticks carry Lyme disease. If you have found a tick on you and have concerns, please contact your doctor.


Why did you stop testing ticks?

The Nova Scotia Museum has never tested ticks for the presence of Lyme disease. We were able to identify the species of tick specimens, but staffing changes mean that we are no longer able to do so.

If you would like some guidance on identifying a tick, please consult the resources above. If you have medical concerns about a tick you have found, please consult your doctor.


I’m a medical professional. Where can I seek assistance for my patients?

Please consult the Department of Health and Wellness guide for medical practitioners:

novascotia.ca/dhw/cdpc/documents/statement_for_managing_LD.pdf (PDF)


What kind of bug repellant can I use to avoid getting bitten by a tick?

There are a number of products on the market that claim to repel ticks and other insects, but at present, there are only two that are licensed for this use in Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/lyme-disease/prevention-lyme-disease.html

The best defense against ticks is to wear protective clothing (long-sleeved shirt, pants tucked into socks) and do a tick check when you come inside (and again the following day).